Moroccan Henna Tatto

Henna plant

Henna is a flowering plant used since antiquity to dye skin, hair, fingernails, leather and wool. The name is also used for dye preparations derived from the plant, and for the art of temporary tattooing based on those dyes. The English name "henna" comes from the Arabic حِنَّاء (ḥinnāʾ / pronounced [ħɪnˈnæːʔ]) or colloquially حنا, loosely pronounced /ħinna/.

The henna plant is native to North Africa, southern Asia, and northern Australasia in semi-arid zones. Henna's indigenous zone is the tropical savannah and tropical arid zone, in latitudes between 15° and 25° N and S from Africa to the western Pacific rim, and produces highest dye content in temperatures between 35 °C and 45 °C[1]. Henna is commercially cultivated in UAE, Morocco,Algeria, Yemen, Tunisia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, western India, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Turkey, Somalia and Sudan.
Source Wiki

History of Moroccan Henna

Henna is a type of “ink” that consists of dried leaves, water, and egg whites. • The mixture generally produces a dark green color which after prolonged contact on skin results in a dark yellow or orange taint. • Henna resembles a tattoo but only lasts on the skin for two weeks maximum. • Henna art is composed of cultural designs ranging from flowers to geometric patterns and images of animals or eyes

Henna for hair Growth

If you are looking for a way to get your hair to grow quickly, there are many different products out there that you can try. Some of those products are natural; the vast majority of them are not. In fact, many of them contain so many chemicals that when you look at the bottles, you aren’t too sure what you are looking at.

Is Henna Safe?

Henna is probably the safest dye you are ever going to find. Think about it for a moment. It’s totally natural. It contains only one ingredient, and you know exactly what it is. There are thousands of years of traditional use behind it. It’s safe enough to put on your skin, which means it is plenty safe to put in your hair. In fact, you can even dye your roots and let henna get on your scalp without a problem. You don’t even need to worry about wearing gloves while you dye your hair if you don’t mind your nails being slightly yellow for a couple of days.

Henna Natural hair colors

First things first. Since henna is a hair dye, it is only a suitable solution for hair growth if you are also willing to change your hair color. Using henna is a big decision, because henna is probably just about the most permanent hair color you are ever going to discover. Over time, it does fade gradually, but you can expect it to have a strong effect for many months.
Henna always dyes hair with a coppery tint. The exact color that you get will depend on your original color going into the dying process. If you have light blonde hair, your color after henna will usually be a bright reddish orange. If you have a darker color of blonde or brown, you will usually get a deep copper or auburn hue. If you have gray hair, you can use henna too to cover up your grays!

Moroccan Argan Oil

Moroccan Argan oil  : 

Argan oil is a plant oil produced from the kernels of the Argan tree (Argania spinosa L.) that is endemic to Morocco. In Morocco, Argan oil is used to dip bread in at breakfast or to drizzle on couscous or Moroccan Tagine . It is also used for cosmetic purposes – Wikipedia

Extraction Of Argan Oil :

Properties Argan oil  :

  • Emollient – It is a good moisturizer.
  • Cicatrizant – It is a good wound healer.
  • Anti-Sebum – A study has found out that applying cosmetic grade (topical) argan oil twice daily for a month reduces the amount of sebum ( the natural skin oil ). As a result, oiliness and acne can be suppressed naturally.
  • Anti-aging – Applying argan oil regularly on the skin can help to keep skin strong and healthy.
  • Antioxidant – It is a good antioxidant and reduces free radical damage both externally and internally.
  •  Hepatoprotective – Protects the liver.
  •  Anti-diabetic – Argan oil has demonstrated anti-hyperglycemic effect in rats. It means that it can prevent spikes in blood sugar levels.
  • Cholerectic – Increases bile secretion from liver.
  • Chemopreventive – Ability to reduce or delay cancer. It exhibits anti-proliferative activity which inhibts or retards the growth of malignant cells.
  •  Hypolipidemic – Improves the lipid profile.
  •  Hypocholesterolemic – It improves HDL ( High density lipoprotein ) cholesterol and slows the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.
  •  Antiatherogenic – It prevents the formation of atheromatous lesions in the blood vessels and contributes towards keeping the cardiovascular system healthy.

Fatty acid

Uses and Health Benefits Of Argan Oil  :

Argan Oil For Hair :

-         Eliminate dandruff and dry scalp

-         Tame frizz, flyaways, and repair split ends by using it as a leave-in conditioner

-         Protect your hair from the heat of blow dryers and flat irons

-         Treat dry, brittle hair

-         Protecting your hair from swimming

-         Treating hair loss

-         Define curls

-         Give your hair a shinier, glowing look

-         Sun protection

Argan Oil Hair Treatment :

Argan oil can be used as a very effective overnight deep conditioning treatment. If yourhair is dry and brittle ;
You  can google “How To Use Argan Oil for Hair Treatment “ :
You can by  Argan Oil Hair Treatment From Amazon in my  link
Most relevant

Argan oil for beard benefits

By using Argan oil for beard, you create the best conditions for eventual hair growth. The oil itself doesn’t cause a direct beard hair growth. It can stimulate and boost hair growth with nutritious elements. It also opens up the pores and improves microcirculation. Keep in mind though that no oil will stimulate hair growth in an area where there is none to grow. This is where unfortunately, genetics has the final word.
Argan oil for beard

Argan Oil shampoo :

Argan Oil of Morocco Shampoo will help leave your hair feeling like silky perfection as our blend of Argan oil restores

Argan oil shampooing avis : 

People talk about argan on reddit  

[–]HamfanModerator / General Expert 14 points il y a 3 ans* 
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Natural oils in a shampoo (or rinse-off conditioner) are more for marketing than any actual benefit to hair. They do not deposit effectively and are in contact with your hair for seconds (perhaps a few minutes in the case of a conditioner). They are almost always present at low concentrations--at maximum, a few percent of a the total formula.
Oils can be used as a pre-wash treatment (some oils--coconut is the most researched--can penetrate the hair shaft and deep condition when used in this manner)or as leave-ins to seal moisture into hair, but in a rinse-off, there's no evidence that they do much except give the brand something to advertise.
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[–]turquoisegardenia 3 points il y a 3 ans 
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It's admittedly anecdotal and as with all haircare, ymmv- but I adore the Live Clean argan oil shampoo. It's without a doubt my HG shampoo- but who knows if it's actually the argan oil that makes it so, or it's just an overall good formula.

Argan oil for hair growth

Argan Oil for hair loss is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy looking head of hair
Argan oil contains nutrients that help repair hair such as vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-9). This continuous nourishment will provide hair and lead to a moist, smooth and shiny hair. What are the main properties of Argan oil for hair?

Argan Oil for Skin :

Moroccans traditionally use un-roasted Argan oil to treat skin diseases, and as a cosmetic oil for skin and hair :

What You Need To Know When Buying Argan Oil In Morocco :

If you  have Chance to  visite Morocco And you  want to  buy Pure Argan , Buying argan oil in Morocco isn't as easy as one may think. To ensure top quality, here are
As a Moroccan My Advice , is to  visite cooperative 
you  can Google Map this : 

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coopérative argan agadir
cooperative Argan essaouira