Is it Safe to Travel to Morocco?

Morocco Safety: Is Morocco a Safe Country to Travel?

Morocco is a truly delightful country to discover. Charming ruins, pristine beaches, enchanting palaces, picturesque streets and bustling medinas are all a part of what makes the country so diverse and wonderful to explore.
But, as with any other North African, Muslim country, life in Morocco is very different from that in the West and that may raise some safety concerns for travelers. In the various sections below, we cover the main safety issues in Morocco while offering plenty of practical and easy solutions to help you deal with them during your stay.

Health Concerns

Health does not need to be a main concern for those looking to travel to Morocco. As a virtually malaria-free country, you do not need to worry about mosquito bites, but you can take the usual precautions to stay safe (i.e. wearing lightly-colored clothes, using insect repellent in the warmer months, etc.).
There are also no required vaccines to enter the country but you are advised to have your polio and tetanus vaccines in order. If you like to be as safe as possible, having the Typhoid and Hepatitis A (and even Hepatitis B) vaccines are recommended.

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Food and Water Safety

As with any other foreign country, the local food (and especially street food) is not always cooked in the same conditions your stomach is used to. For that reason, be aware of where you choose to try street food. Generally, the Jemaa el-Fnaa in Marrakesh, Skala du Port in Essaouira and Port in Agadir are safe places to try Morocco’s local flavors.
Many guidebooks recommend only drinking bottled water. However, most water from taps are safe to drink as cistern systems are well maintained (and are relatively new) throughout the country. While drinking bottled water is OK, our team has partnered with an international organization called TAP. We suggest that you bring a small filtering mechanism or a Steri-Pen with you to treat water as you consume it. We also advise travelers to not eat uncooked vegetables or fruits that you haven’t washed yourself or cannot peel in order to avoid an upset stomach during your travels.


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